Finding Refuge And Strength

Helen grew up in Durango, Mexico and was raised in a caring household with parents who provided a loving environment. She never struggled with alcohol or substance abuse and enjoyed much of her life. Before Helen decided to move to America, she had begun a relationship with a gentleman and they were engaged to be married. This marriage brought about 3 wonderful children and life seemed to be on the right path. However, as the marriage progressed, it became more and more unhealthy. After 8 years in this tumultuous relationship, Helen became homeless. A social worker introduced her to the Open Door Mission’s Lydia House.

“The first time I walked through the doors at the Lydia House, I felt safe and very comfortable.” said Helen. “The staff made my children and I feel very welcomed. My kids were happy and joyful to experience such a loving atmosphere.”

Helen has been strengthened emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and now feels more secure about herself. She is able to make the best decisions for her family and herself. These are decisions she was not able to make during her difficult marriage. Helen feels uncertain about where she would be, had she not found the Open Door Mission.

Helen has her eyes set on the future and she says that it offers her hope. Her first goal is to become a naturalized citizen of U.S. and she is on the right path in doing so. She gained her work permit and is in the process of applying for her social security card and employment. However, what she desires to do most is to speak to other woman who have struggled with domestic abuse.

“My hope is to let women know that they can be strong and that they are not alone in their circumstance.” says Helen. “The Open Door Mission is a safe place where women can seek refuge.”

After all her experiences, Helen now understands that God has a purpose for everything and that He turned her situation around for the better.

With tears in her eyes, Helen emphasizes all the Lord has done through the Open Door Mission and its staff. She wants those who are giving and donating to the mission to understand that they are contributing so much more than just feeding a person with food.

“You are feeding a person’s soul, mind, and future but overall, you are building a whole new person.”

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”


Invest In a Life Being Changed

Your donation helps us offer more than 40 programs breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty.

Urgent Needs

Turkey N Fixins

Open Door Mission will provide more than 284,820 hot, nutritious meals this holiday season to the Heartland’s hungry and homeless. Check out the different needs for Turkey ‘N’ Fixin’s.



At the heart of Open Door Mission is its volunteers. You, your family, your co-workers or your church can help hungry and homeless men, women and children.


Invest In a Life Being Changed

Your donation helps us offer more than 40 programs breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty.

Urgent Needs

Turkey N Fixins

Open Door Mission will provide more than 284,820 hot, nutritious meals this holiday season to the Heartland’s hungry and homeless. Check out the different needs for Turkey ‘N’ Fixin’s.



At the heart of Open Door Mission is its volunteers. You, your family, your co-workers or your church can help hungry and homeless men, women and children.