Help provide urgently needed items for those experiencing homelessness & poverty in Omaha, NE & Southwest Iowa.
Art Therapy Supplies
Will you help us connect those experiencing homelessness & poverty with God’s word?
Language Translator Devices & Bibles
Will you help us connect those experiencing homelessness & poverty with God’s word?
Turn Hunger to Hope
With rising food costs, our hurting neighbors now more than ever are having a difficult time affording groceries. We have a need for the following items for the Manna Food Pantry programs located in our Outreach Centers.
Easter Care Kits
Will you make Easter special for the men and women at Open Door Mission? We need Easter Care Kits to share the joy of Christ’s resurrection!
Undie Day
Organize a collection for new underwear for those experiencing homelessness. All sizes are welcome but men’s sizes XL and larger and all women’s sizes are most needed.
Toilet Paper Drive
When providing 917 safe shelter beds for men, women and children daily, toilet paper is a constant need.
You can make a difference from the comfort of your own home, and Amazon will ship directly to Open Door Mission!
Hope Tote Toiletry Drive
When men, women, and children experiencing homelessness come through the Open Door Mission’s doors, they are lacking the most basic necessities. There is a daily need for personal care items
Fill the Medicine Chest
Men, women, and children experiencing homelessness need your help to supply items to the campus clinic. Would you be able to provide critical resources for our medicine chest?