A New Beginning

This is Ty at the mission.

Ty was raised in South Dakota, and life was difficult even at a young age. When he was only four years old, both of Ty’s parents were in prison. This meant Ty lived with his grandma in different motels for most of his childhood. As Ty grew up, his reality did not settle well with him and he started to act out.

“I started drinking when I was 14 years old and this carried on until after I graduated high school,” said Ty. “I went to college and played basketball, but even then, the drinking would interfere.”

Ty’s addiction caused destruction throughout his life. He lost his housing which left him homeless in the dead of winter. He also lost a job, his vehicle, and valuable relationships. When both his grandma and dad passed away within two years of each other, Ty stopped caring about everything.

“This was my lowest point in my life,” said Ty. “After they passed away, I ended up getting arrested for a drinking-related offense and spent some time in jail.”

Once released from jail, Ty heard about Open Door Mission and the New Life Recovery program. After experiencing so much defeat and setback in his life, Ty did not want to keep going on. However, God began to work in his heart.

“God put it in my heart and mind to keep pushing forward,” said Ty. “Since first entering the program, Christ has given me a new beginning.”

Ty has experienced lasting change while in the New Life Recovery program. He now has structure in his life, sobriety, and an ambition to succeed. Ty is now awaiting graduation and has his eyes set on a hopeful future.

“I plan to keep staying here at Open Door Mission. I’m considering continuing my education at a local university and I hope to work here,” said Ty. “Most importantly though, I am committing to my Bible studies and sobriety meetings.”

Ty wants Open Door Mission’s generous donors, volunteers, and friends to know—“Your time and gifts are changing people’s lives and much is being accomplished through your sacrifice.”

Thank you for Turning Hunger to Hope for Ty, and many other men, women, and children seeking shelter at Open Door Mission.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. – 2 Timothy 3:16-17


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At the heart of Open Door Mission is its volunteers. You, your family, your co-workers or your church can help hungry and homeless men, women and children.